Monday, January 9, 2012

My Alphabet Of Gratitude...Letter V is for Valor!

Valor is defined in the dictionary as bravery, courage or boldness. Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness. Personal bravery. To be strong.
I have been blessed with seven glorious children. I love them all very much. They have all taught me many unique and special lessons. They have humbled me with their spirits, with their personalities and with their lives. Three of these children I refer to quite often as the Munchkin Trifecta. They are my trio of little people, my babies, my passion. It is them that I would like to thank for their valor. My faith teaches me many things about why my babies are here, what their purpose is, what their future is. You don't have to believe like I do to see how valiant these children truly are though. I am so very grateful to live in the time that I do. The internet is an amazing gift. I have been blessed through this gift to be able to share in many children's lives that have the same condition my trifecta has. Our group is refered to as Rhizokids. I see such valor in each and every one of these children's eyes. I see their strength in their smiles. I see their courage when they are faced with odds that would scare the bravest of men. I can feel their spirit and strength even through their pictures.
These children fight a battle everyday. A battle to simply survive. But most of the time you wouldn't know it by looking at them. They usually have a smile on their face and a giggle on their lips. I've seen them put into contraptions that give me nightmares, I've had to put mine in some of these contraptions myself! Any yet, they smile. They remind me to be a little more couragious. A little stronger, braver. If they can do it so can I! Right?
All of my children have had surgeries right after birth as most RCDP children have. Cataract surgery. Yuck. Seeing those huge eye patches on your baby's little bitty face is tear wrenching. They endure braces, splints, casts, and tubes just to name a few. Some have even had to have their tiny little hearts mended. Some have never left the hospital. To look into their eyes and see such strength, even in the littlest ones can be lifechanging. I often find myself telling my Munchkins that I would trade places with them in a heartbeat if I could. I wonder if I could handle what they do with the valor that they do. I don't think so, that's why God put me in this body instead of theirs. They have proven themselves, they are warriors. I am here to learn from them.
I also think of the many wondeful mothers and families of RCDP children that I have met online. I would also describe this awesome group of people as valiant. Most of us have had our children born to us, but some in our group have joined voluntarily so to speak, by adopting and taking care of these special children. This screams valor to me. To know what you are up against and to dive in anyway, knowing the future holds heartache. I'm sure if their little RCDP children could mouth the words "Thank You" to them, they would...repeatedly! But since they can't let me be their representative by saying how truly valiant you are.
To each of my special RCDP angels here and in heaven I say thank you for your valiant lives. Thank you for your strength and your smiles. Thank You for showing me how to fight and how to live. Thank you for teaching me what is important and what is not. Thank you for fighting this battle with all the joy that you do. I love each and everyone of you!
To my Trifecta, my Megan, Easton and Raegan, my heart swells when I think of you. Each one of you has such strength of spirit and heart. I can not imagine my life without you. I love you more than words could ever say.

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