Thursday, February 17, 2011

Laughing Munchkin Trifecta

Everybody is doing so incredibly well these past 2 weeks. I have never seen Raegan happier or smile more than she is now! Easton is laughing and smiling and moving all over the place. He is back to blowing kisses and laughing when you blow them back. Megan is happier than ever too, she laughs so much! She has me wondering what the joke is, I hope it's not on me!
 I have made Raegan some glasses out of Bendaroos since I couldn't find anything that would really work well with her face and that she didn't complain and constantly try to take off. So I popped the lens out of her glasses and wound Bendaroos around them and she wears them all day! Her personality has changed so much and she doesn't complain nearly as much during therapy, incredible! Downside is I have to tape them to her face to get them to stay so she looks pretty silly but she doesn't seem to mind at all, the only thing she seems to care about is that she can finally see without being uncomfortably distracted. They are a good temporary fix until I can find a more permanent solution.
 Easton finds is hillarious to sqirm all over the place lately. I am not sure if he has a destination in mind or if he just enjoys the moving but it sure is fun to watch him, and even funnier when I pull him back to where he began so he can start all over again, he seems to find this very amusing.
 Megan is still spitting enough to supply a small country with enough water to keep them out of drough for at least a good year. It's just too bad I can't bottle it and sell it as some sort of "fountain of youth" thing. Megan sure gets her giggles blowing bubbles, and the bigger the better. We go through so many bibs and cloth diapers a day. But she seems to enjoy it so much, her way of playing I guess.
 Raegan in staying by herself and finding ways to entertain herself so much more lately since I fixed her glasses too. It is awesome! I can surround her with toys and she is actually making decisions now on which ones she wants and even tries to reach for them! Doing this always brings her so much joy and she rewards me with her lovely giggles and two-toothed grin. I could just melt!
 I do believe this is the longest we have gone in the winter time without anybody having the sniffles, knock on wood! It has been a great time to catch up on some much needed rest and housework. And with Raegan and Easton thinking that 1 in the morning is the ideal time to play with Mom, I can use all the catch up sleep I can get!

1 comment:

  1. She looks so cute! I love the glasses she is so much happier than I have ever seen her now that she has a whole NEW world to look at. I love the munchikin trifecta!


Any and all comments are appreciated. Thank You for your intrest in my sweet munchkin trifecta!