I was at the grocery store with Megan when she was just a baby. A young girl in line behind me asked her Mom why the baby had a tube in her nose. Her mom was very kind and told her to ask me, I thought that was fabulous. The way the little girl looked at Megan as she asked, the pure innocent curiousity in her eyes, made my heart melt. I told her what Megan had in the best and least confusing way I could. Her mom thanked me and that was that. I've gotten very used to encounters like this over the years. I've never minded the children, and the adults with kindness behind their curiosity. I know they just want to understand what is different and unusual to them. I try to explain to all those who are curious just what it is like having a child with RCDP. The little things you don't normally think of, like being able to scratch your nose, Megan and Easton can't do. There is a whole list of things they can't do...it goes on for miles. It can be heartbreaking if I dwell on it. What I want people to understand, really understand, is what they can do. It's a list that is not so long but what it says is incredible. Megan, Easton and Raegan can understand. Simple. Understand what you say? Anything. Everything. I assume they know it all, hear it all, and comprehend it all. If I'm wrong, oh well. If I'm right, ask yourself this, would you treat them any differently? Not just my trifecta, anybody who has special needs, anybody who can't speak for themselves and put into words what they know, how they feel, what they want, etc... Would you talk about them as if they were in the room or not? Would you talk TO them instead of by them? Would you listen to hear if they had anything in response, in anyway? I've asked myself these questions many times. My little munchkins have given me many many moments to answer myself. I truly love it when I meet someone who understands how to treat my children. Someone who will look my child in the eye and speak directly to them. Someone who is not afraid to ask questions, someone who isn't afraid to touch them, hold them, kiss them. I've met so many of these wonderful people. My little angels recongnize their wonderful spirit and heart right away. I appreciate their kindness and yes, their understanding.
Understand that these children aren't that different. They need the basics we all need, love, shelter, food. They need to be played with, sang to, danced with, snuggled with...all the things every other child wants and needs. They need special things too like therapy and equipment, but those things are physical and I guess I'm talking more about the mental. Understand they want to be recognized and appreciated too. They want to learn and they want to see how excited you get for them.
Understand that these children are not vegetables. They are not useless, they do not simply exist. Please. Don't stare and say rude things behind back's because you think they can't hear. They can. Don't gaze at them with utter pitty and cluck your tongue because they will understand that too. Treat them as you would want to be treated. Drool isn't toxic. Dwarfism isn't contagious.
I am so thankful for all of you who do understand. All of you who have gone out of your way at times to treat my little muchkins with such kindness and understanding. When Easton looks at you with that little twinkle in his eye you will have no doubt that he knows you, sees you, and understands you! When Megan lights up at the sight of you and babbles with you for a while you will know how much she knows. When Raegan looks you right in the eye and laughs because you said your were going to get her there is no mistaking she understood you. I'm spending my life trying to understand them. I couldn't think of a better way to spend it!
I'm just amazed that you could have three RCDP babies. Did the doctors say what the odds were of that happening?? With only some 53 known cases worldwide, it's got to be astronomical. I do enjoy watching your babies grow and grow, far past the "incompatible with life" diagnosis these babies usually get from the doctors. You are an amazing mom and human being 💜💜💜