Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Easton's on oxygen...

My Mommy and Daddy had to put me on oxygen today. When I sleep they say my breathing isn't as good, whatever, I don't like it. stupid tubes, tapes, YUCK! I guess I will just have to get better so they will take these things off of me. I'm glad my Mommy and Daddy have all of the stuff at my house they need to take care of me and not take me to the hospital unless they "have to". I am so much more comfy here. I am getting really sick of my Mommy constantly sticking this tube up my nose and sucking out my snot. It feels weird! My sister Megan seems to be gettting better already and Raegan has been getting better since yesterday. It's my turn now so I'll try my best! My Daddy says I'm really tough so I know I can do it. Remember my parents in your prayers though!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, little Easton! You need to be well for Christmas next week!


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