Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Alphabet Of Gratitude...Letter W is for Water!

Water = Life. You can drink it, cook with it, bathe in it, swim in it, splash in it, sail on it, and clean with it. Some people use it as you would a road, some people even live on it. It falls from the sky, can be turned into a gas or a solid. It's what causes our crops to grow. It forges canyons, bridges and other magnificent natural works of art. It also makes my munchkins smile. Priceless. Nothing makes my little Easton happier than floating in warm water. He is part fish, I swear. Either that or he fancies himself a merman. Either way, He loves it. He could spend hours in the water with no problem, even cries when I take him out when he isn't quite ready to say goodbye to the wet stuff. How pruned can his feet actually get? Very.
Megan loves her baths too. She doesn't swim like Easton does. She simply enjoys the warm water buoying her up. The weightlessness is what she truly enjoys. She loves to sleep surrounded by water. She always looks so peaceful, so content, so comfortable.
Raegan isn't to hip on the bath scene but she does love her showers! That's right, I said showers. It was hard for me to believe at first, I thought it would pass. It didn't. Ever since she was a newborn she has loved the water hitting her in the face and the back. Her tummy, her feet, she doesn't care. She smiles and giggles at times, it is quite the special moment.
Water. Amazing. Simple and yet profound. We would literally die without it. And yet, I know I take it for granted too. I couldn't imagine a day without water, and yet I know there are many in the world that can, that do. I know how blessed I am to live where I do and have the resources available to me that I do. I can simply turn on a tap and out it comes. I happen to have a well that my water comes from so I also believe it is the best tasting...not to mention free. I don't have to hike anywhere to get it. I don't have to get it out of a dirty ditch. I don't have to wonder where I am going to get it. There might come a day when that changes, I don't know, I do know that today it is readily available to me. I thank God for it whenever I see my babies smiling in it, or when I smell my sweet Hannah's hair freshly washed in it. Whenever I am thirsty or have clean dishes or clean clothes. Whenever I see a beautiful waterfall, or a rainbow in the sky, I am thankful for water.

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