Thursday, March 17, 2011

It is so nice to share

Well Megan and Easton are feeling much better. Easton still has a bit of a cough but he is all smiles. He lost a little weight with this sickness so we are on the job to fatten him back up! Megan is smiling and laughing as usual. Still drooling enough to fill up Lake Mead.....
 Raegan on the other hand is not doing so well. She was up most of the night with coughing fits. She absolutely does not like her nose being sucked out with the suction machine but she tolerates it very well. I only use the bulb syringe attachment so she really doesn't have to much to complain about. Although I did put it to my nose once to see what it felt like and it was a bit of a rush. Having the air sucked out of your nose is quite a different experience. So, I guess I am as proud of her progress as I always am! We did have a trip to Shriner's with Raegan last week that I am still needing to blog about. When I have more time to sit and type I will, but for now Raegan is very demanding. A bit like her sister Hannah when she gets sick!

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