Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Megan's woes

Megan gave me a bit of a scare when she decided to get sick yesterday. Not much if your child doesn't have immune problems but a big deal if they do. I know when Megan is really not feeling well because she won't smile. Despite my best efforst to eek a smile out of her it just won't happen if she is feeling sick. So needless to say she spent a lot of time in the tub yesterday with hydro-steam therapy, it always seems to do the trick. And so it is the case this time. She is not completely out of the woods yet but she is smiling and that tells me she is on the upward mend! Megan is back in the tub today for some more therapy in hopes that we have "nipped this in the bud" as good ol Don Knotts would have said it.

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