Friday, June 24, 2011

Happiness, pure happiness

Prompted by a post I just read on facebook, I must write my own little story of my children, whom I am so proud of. This one isn't about my munchkins though, this one is about my kids without "special needs".
I had the opportunity to be able to take my children to the movies on Father's Day. We decided to go see the Green Lantern in 3D! We love to get there a little early to get the "good seats" and just enjoy the whole movie going experience. We got there just in time so we were in a hurry to find our seats. We gave our tickets to the lady to tear them and tell us where to go. She was a beautiful girl, that is what I see, and I watched my children to see if that is how they would see her to. She had problems with her body, and with her speech that made it a little more difficult to do the job than it would have, let's say, my usually impatient children. We waited for her to get us our glasses, which was slow, but absolutely lovely. It gave me the greatest chance to see my kids, to really see my kids. They all had smiles on their faces. Dakotah's was the biggest and the happiest. They were very patient as this special lady handed them their glasses with hands that were hard to move due to contractures. As she explained to us where to go, my children stood there and listened to everyword she said, never trying to hurry her along or showing any annoyance what so ever. As we walked away, my soon to be 16 year old son, whose image is everything to him, said to me "Mom, that makes me very, happy." "What makes you very happy?" I said. To which he replied "that places are starting to recognize how special these people truly are, they deserve a chance to do all they can do, and we need to support their need to be independant all we can. So I am happy, because I saw how hard she was trying to do a job that most people would scoff over, doing movements that most people take for granted, that I take for granted."
I couldn't help but cry as his younger brother and sister, who completely look up to their older, handsome brother, echoed his sentiments down the hallway as we walked toward our theatre. Dakotah has always had a special love for those children like ours, the special needs ones. I was very happy to be able to see that love in action.
I've always asked myself, ever since I had Megan, what this would do to my family, what this would do to my kids without these "special needs". Would it be fair to ask them to sacrifice, to ask them to be so different from the other families they know. And I've learned through the years, that to be without these "special children" would be the sacrifice. My children have learned lessons that books could never teach them. Megan and Easton and Raegan have given us priceless gifts. The gift of empathy, patience, love, wisdom, and the understanding of what is important. Who is important.
Dakotah said one more thing with me that day that I must also share. He said "Mom, do you know what their secret is, why they are so happy? because they don't get caught up in the things that don't matter, they simply love." then he put on his glasses and the movie began to start. My son, the future Rock-n-Roll star, has learned some tough lessons in this life, he has seen more suffering than I would have ever liked for him to, but his words made my heart soar. He gets it, he really gets it!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

End of the Brushing Experiment

Okay, it has been 2 weeks since we starting this new thing called "brushing" on Raegan. Looks like we are going to have to try it a bit longer. I have to be honest, I don't see any improvement in sleeping, eating or movement. It has only been 2 weeks though and Raegan tends to take things slowly, so I'm going to keep trying. A good friend of mine says that she really likes it for her son and that speaks volumes to me.
Raegan doesn't seem to be as "touch sensitive" on her feet, that is an improvement. I hope this means she will let me help her use her feet more in standing and pushing, etc....
Raegan has been off her g-tube for another week now, I don't know if that is due to the brushing or not, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Easton didn't take to the brushing at all, made him scream and cry, so we won't put him through it.
Megan didn't seem to mind at first, and is still pretty easy going about it, so I'll keep doing it with her too. I think she just enjoys the extra time I get to spend on just her, she loves the attention! Easton would just as soon sit and watch and make fun of his sisters. I guess he doesn't need the extra time with Mommy. He is a bit of a tough guy, doesn't want people to think he is a Momma's boy or anything! At least he hasn't resorted to wiping my kisses off yet, partly because I think he can't! But he gives me these looks like "geesh Mom!"
So even though our official experiment has ended, I will continue with the brushing. It honestly only takes a couple of minutes on each child. Hopefully, we will see some improvements and this will all pay off!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Brushing?! Hahahahaha!

Easton here, my Mommy said I could play on the computer a bit while she is down doing laundry. She said Claire tells on me anyway so I can't get away with being sneaky!
I have been feeling a lot better the past couple of weeks. I'm not on oxygen anymore and that is the BEST! I keep telling Mommy I need a haircut and I think she is finally going to give me one this weekend, as long as she doens't cut off my mohawk, I love my do.
My Mom has been "brushing" my little sister for a little over a week now, she tried it on me once because I was so darn curious. I didn't like it. My bratty little sister does though. I just have to laugh at her being "brushed" Hahahaha! What is she a dog or something? I know she is hairy and all, like an ape, but geesh. Mommy keeps giving me the eye, telling me I'm next. She is crazy. I don't mind it at all until she gets to my feet, then I just want to kick her to make her stop, way to much sensation! She keeps laughing at me and telling me to relax, crazy lady.
I have been wanting to spend more and more time on the cloud and less and less time in my wheelchair and other places my Mommy keeps trying to put me. She "negotiates" with me on how long I need to stay in each place, but with my stubborness and extrememly heart wrenching cry I end up getting my way, with a smile on my face when I do! Am I being a bit unreasonable, yes, but I can get away with it right? I'm cute! I know my Mommy wants me to be happy and comfortable and I know that I can't just stay in the comfy places ALL the time, but I can't help but complain when I am uncomfortable.
We have had some yucky rainy weather lately but it is clearing up! I'm gonna ask my Mom to let me swing today, it is so much fun! I can go really high, and it really makes me laugh. Sister can swing me to if Mommy will let her. My big sister can get a bit crazy, like me! So Mommy keeps a really good eye on her, but I wish she wouldn't, then we could get really wild.
Well, I need to tell my Mommy it is time for me to eat now, if I wake my sister up while I'm hollering she might get a bit upset but I'm HUNGRY! bye :-)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Brushing Day 1

Day one went well, Raegan fussed a bit when I got to her feet, but she is not as fussy tonight as she was this morning, so I will view that as an improvement!
Megan and Easton were giving me the eye as I was doing this so called "brushing" with Raegan. Easton, always the skeptical one, was curious as to why I was "brushing" his little sister. So I decided why not, I'm up for new things all the time, let's see how Easton handles it. He wasn't sure, but he did handle it better than I thought he would, he can be so touch sensitive, especially with his hands and feet.
Megan was next and she handled it as I expected, which was very well. So I am going to do the brushing experiment in triplicate. It will be interesting to see the effects, if any, it has on my trio and how different, or alike, they will be!

The Brushing Experiment

I'm going to try something on Raegan that her therapist recommended. It is called "brushing". What I do is take a plastic brush, resembling the brushes you get at the hospital when your baby is born, the one they use in baths, just minus the sponge part.
7 times a day I take the brush and go up and down Raegan's legs, feet, arms, hands, and back. This only takes about 1 to 2 minutes. Then I do compressions on her spine, hips, major joints, and finally on her chest. I'll try to have someone take pictures of me doing this to help explain it better. We start at 7:30 in the morning and then repeating the proceedure every 2 hours until bedtime.
Brushing is supposed to help with eating, sleeping, and movement. I'm giving it 2 weeks to show me what it can do for Raegan. She isn't a big fan of it so far, but it is over with so quickly that she doesn't have much time to get upset. The whole proceedure only takes less than 5 minutes.
I really pray this helps with her eating, she has been without her feeding tube for a whole month now! But she is wanting to eat in little bits, like a bird, which I don't mind during the day, but I don't like it at night. I have a machine that will feed her at night but I don't want to use it unless I absolutely have to, so this is kind of a last resort option. Let's keep our fingers and toes crossed that the "brushing" will work like it is supposed to!