Friday, June 3, 2011

Brushing Day 1

Day one went well, Raegan fussed a bit when I got to her feet, but she is not as fussy tonight as she was this morning, so I will view that as an improvement!
Megan and Easton were giving me the eye as I was doing this so called "brushing" with Raegan. Easton, always the skeptical one, was curious as to why I was "brushing" his little sister. So I decided why not, I'm up for new things all the time, let's see how Easton handles it. He wasn't sure, but he did handle it better than I thought he would, he can be so touch sensitive, especially with his hands and feet.
Megan was next and she handled it as I expected, which was very well. So I am going to do the brushing experiment in triplicate. It will be interesting to see the effects, if any, it has on my trio and how different, or alike, they will be!

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