Saturday, November 27, 2010


I have been in the best mood! I'm moving all over the place too. My Mommy had me on my mat on the floor and I decided I wanted to go look out the window, which is about 4 feet away. My Mommy left the room for a little while to go and do something with my bratty sisters and when my Daddy looked in on me I heard him hollar for my Mommy to come and look at me. I almost made it to the window, they had some stuff in the way! I made it a good 3 feet though! I keep suprising them with how strong I am, I think it is funny. My hair needs a cutting too! Tell my Mommy and Daddy! I can't wait for Christmas Eve, my big sister Megan is turning 9. I am excited for her! I love the shinny Christmas decorations too.

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