Saturday, November 27, 2010


I am on an eating roll! I am eating everything that my Mommy and Daddy will give me. I have gained some weight this week my Mommy says. I don't know how much but she says I am really starting to hurt her arm when she is holding me. I love it when my Mommy holds me! I don't think I will ever get to big for her to stop do you? Now that my tummy problems have been fixed I am a very happy little RayRay. I make everybody laugh with the silly things I do. I am starting to make talking sounds my Mom said. She is way excited about it. I have been talking forever so I don't know what she is so excitied for :) I have been trying a lot of new foods lately. Something callled pumpkin tastes really good, when Daddy puts the white stuff on he  calles "whooped cream" it is very good, makes me smack my lips, which always makes my family laugh. I like mashed tatos too, with LOTS of butter. But my favorite will have to be the really cold stuff that my sister Hannah always eats, Ice dream, or something like that.....

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