Monday, November 22, 2010

Everybody is much better!

Megan and Easton are no longer sick, what a relief! It took a few weeks but we made it through. They are happy, laughing and giggling once again.
Raegan has had her ups and downs with her tummy for the past few months, ever since she quit breastmilk. We have finally got that figured out too! She is a much happier baby, laughing by herself, playing with others better, more interested in the world outside of her. Raegan's vision is doing really good too. She is starting to reach for things, and she loves to explore with her hands, different textures are really fun.
 Megan's 9th birthday is approaching! She will be 9 on Christmas Eve, I can hardly believe it, where has all of the time gone? Sometimes I feel like we are frozen in time, not changing to much but when I look at her now, She has changed so much! Megan loves to talk! that is for sure. She always has something funny to say to, I just wish I knew what it was all of the time. I can figure out what she is trying to say most of the time though. Too cute :)
 Easton is still the handsome silent type, with that gorgeous sly smile of his, I never know what he is thinking! But he is happy and playing once again. His favorite thing to do is scooch and then have me drag him back. He laughs and laughs over this. And of course, he loves to hang upside down still. I think he thinks he is a bat or possum or something like that :)

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