Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 11, 2010

Megan and Easton are not doing very well today. They have been sick for over a week now. They are congested. A lot of suction is what that translates to me. Thank goodness I have a suction machine, it helps keep them so much clearer. Raegan is still sneezing but no real sickness. Her transition to goat's milk is complete. I am now starting to add heavy whipping cream to give her some much needed fat. Wouldn't every girl love to have that problem! Raegan should be getting her splints from Shriner's any day now. I am excited and apprehensive at the same time. I know she won't like them, but I also know that they will be good for her in the long run, so it is a toss up. I will see how she does and let her help me decide what is best for her, that is what I have done for Megan and Easton and I will do the same for my little RayRay.

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