Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bum Bum Woes...

This is Raegan, my Mommy is sleeping so I thought I would blog a little. hahaha. I have been having a hard time with my digestive system, it makes me uncomfortable so I cry a lot, unless my Mommy is holding me, then I am just kinda squirmy. I have been keeping the diaper companies in business this last week. Mommy would just a soon let me go nakey, I don't much like it though. Daddy got me some probiotics to help me, I hope they work fast. I have been doing a lot of work with my legs, I can push up with them so well! I love to do it too, it feels cool and makes me laugh and my Mommy can tell I am really proud of myself, I am working really hard! I have a bad habit of checking out and falling asleep with my therapists, but boy have they been doing a good job, when I wake up I feel so good! They said they want to start working on my elbows next, oh boy! I was in an excellent mood yesterday and was just giggling so much, I had the family giggling with me and I'm not sure what we were even laughing about. I got to eat this new food called "dean bip" it is soooo good! I couldn't eat the chips with it, even though I have 2 teeth now! (well, 1 and 1/2 anyway). My sister's birthday is coming up, Hannah is going to be 8. She said I can go to her birthday party at the bowling alley too! I hope nobody mistakes me for a bowling ball, I do love to roll up like a pill bug. I hope I can get this darn tube out of my nose soon. I am trying my best to eat like my Mommy says I need to but it is hard, I get tired sometimes and I don't want to finish. But I'm stubborn so I know it is just a matter of time :) Thanks for reading my blog and have an AWESOME day!

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