Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Meggie Moo

My tummy is doing a bit better. Not perfect but hey, I'll take what I can get! I am able to eat more and that makes me happy. I haven't thrown up for almost 2 weeks so that is good. I know how much my Mommy doesn't like it, I don't like it either. My Mommy put my hair in two little pig tails the other day, I really liked it. She usuallly only puts in one, but she decided to go crazy and do two, whoa! I had a nice Christmas and New Year. We got to stay up late, Mommy fell asleep. She is either old or tired I'm not sure which. Easton and I were going to stick her hand in a bowl of water but Raegan talked us out of it, she is such a party pooper. So we just put whipped cream in her hand instead but wouldn't you know it, Hannah ate it before she woke up, geesh! I did feel bad for Mommy, she rang in the new year in pain, but it can only get better from there right! So we decided to let her sleep and just shaved Daddy bald instead....hahahahaha. (that didn't take us long) I tell you, if I could move around better my parents would have their hands FULL trying to keep up with me! I keep them busy enough as it is I guess. It has been so COLD lately, my Mom hasn't let me go outside at all. I miss my sunshiney! I want to go to the mountains and have a picnic. Uh comes my Mom, I don't want her to see me on the computer so I'd better get! Love ya :)

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