Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yes, I have no bananas....

hahaha I'm a little giddy, Easton is off oxygen. He is sleeping at the moment so I am going to write his entry for him. He is doing so well, it is a nice relief. I worry so much every time he gets sick, as all mother's do with their children, I'm no different in that way. It is nice not to hear the constant hum of the concentrator going. I am grateful for it but I am more grateful when I don't have to use it. His humor is back, although it never really left him this time. He managed to keep a smile on his face all through this past month, I couldn't have. He is such a trooper, my tough little man. He is still needing a little suctioning but nothing major. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes I know your positive energy really made a difference! Now he just has to stay better for 2 weeks and the surgery is on. I'm not to excited about that either, but it must be done. Raegan is crying for me so I'd better cut this entry off and say thanks again for your intrest in my angel's lives!

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