Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Smiles for Easton

Easton's surgery date is fast approaching. I find myself becoming anxious at times for something which I know is ultimately out of my control. As a Mom I worry for my child, I know the risks. With this I feel powerless. So I ask myself, what can I control? I can control my attitude. I can control my thoughts. Energy flows where attentions goes.... I can also control how I react to this. Do I waste my energy with worry? Do I fret and lose sleep at night? I have done those things in the past, and I find they have not helped! Not one darn bit. So this time, this time I think I will try a different path. As a teacher of mine tried to teach the class one day, if you keep falling in the same hole, on the same path, time after time, maybe you should either go around the hole, or try a different path! So the path I have decided to take this time is the path of happiness. Am I crazy for choosing this road? How can I be happy about an upcoming event such as a surgery on my child? This is truly madness is it not? The craziness I am finding is in the unknown, and the worry I have given something that doesn't exist. So this time I choose happiness. So I had an idea. The one thing my little Easton is really known for is his wonderful smile. He can light up over just about anything. And when he gives you that smile....all of your troubles seem to fade away if only for a moment, you are lost in the beauty of that smile. How can I take this smile, this wonderful gift of his and share it with the world? That would make Easton happy, I know it would! So I ask all of you this, on the day of his surgery, on Monday the 31st of January, 2011 could you think of Easton and make someone smile today? It could be anybody, a random stranger on the street, to your own child, even yourself! And maybe you could even share what you did with me, on this blog or on my facebook page if you are a friend. I know it would make me feel better, so much positive smile energy how could it not, right!? Thank You for following me down this new path, this path I call happiness, I am enjoying the moment and I am so very grateful for all of my many blessings, in which I count you, my friends, at the top of that list!

1 comment:

  1. Vickie, You will not be able to keep the smile off my face on Mon. If that's what it takes to help you and Easton get thru this surgery on Mon. it is a small price to pay. Please forgive this forgetful Granny as I do not remember what he is having the surgery for. Can you give us an update? It is almost getting too much for my brain to keep all the kids straight and what is happening in their lives. I do care and love them all so much. I am sure that he will come thru with flying colors, and I am so glad that you are going to try to keep positive and happy. Will wait for the good news that all is well. Big hugs to you all, "Auntie Kathie"


Any and all comments are appreciated. Thank You for your intrest in my sweet munchkin trifecta!