Thursday, February 24, 2011

Favorite toys of my babies.

These are some of the different balls they love to look at and hold. The small pink and blue ones on the bottom are the same, they are reversible. The babies aren't quite sure about how they feel about them when I put them on their hands and feet! The big ball on the top left corner is a favorite also because it is easy for them to get their little fingers in and hold and big enough so that both of their hands can go on it at the same time.
The tangled toys change shape quite easily and are very easy to put into my children's hands, plus they love the soft squishy texture and the little nubs that tickle them! The water weenies are fun to watch them try to hold. Raegan really loves the sound of the slinky and the colors on her fuzzy caterpillar.
They really like these balls that light up and flash different colors

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