Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I find I am having a hard time not crying today. It is a melancholy day for me I suppose. Our Rhizokids who have passed on are on my mind today. Their lives here were so short, and yet so powerful. I can only imagine how many lives have been changed because of these sweet angels. I used to ask myself, and God, why all of the time. I don't do it much anymore, but it is on my long long list of questions I am going to ask God when I see him again. Sweet Fred, who I never had the priveledge to know, passed away less than a month ago, I feel so much sadness for his mother. We are all so far apart, I wish the we lived closer. If wishes were fishes we never go hungry right? I think that is how the saying goes anyway.
Well as I write this, Raegan is starting to cry. I would love to write more now but I guess I will have to finish this thought later, Time to go play with RayRay and enjoy my sweet little babies while I can.

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