Sunday, February 20, 2011

so very grateful

Easton here, my Mommy is sleeping so now is the best time to sneak onto the computer and say a few things that have been on my mind! First, I want to tell Claire not to tell on me! I have had the best couple of weeks. I wasn't too worried about my surgery but my Mommy sure was. She tried not to let it show but I pick up on these things pretty easy. I know everybody really gave a LOT of smiles and prayers, I could feel everyone of them and it gave me the energy I needed to overcome what the doctors and my Mommy was so worried about. Don't they say the sixth time is a charm? Well, something like that!
 Everything is pretty much back to normal now, my mouth doesn't hurt near as much is all. I keep sticking my tongue through the new hole in my teeth, it feels cool. My Daddy thinks I'm funny looking when I bite my lip now cause only one tooth is biting, makes him laugh, so it makes me laugh too. I'm pretty much getting spoiled, whatever I ask for my Mommy gives me whether she really feels like it or not. For example, my Mom thinks I need to sit in my chair for a certain number of hours a day. I don't! So usually when I start to complain my Mom just says something like "you're okay, just a little longer" So I've learned if I turn up the juice on my complaining I can get her to move me whenever I want! I always give her a big smile to let her know I love her and to tell her thanks, but I feel like I am more in charge now. I guess it's cause I'm getting bigger, Mommy is letting me make more of my own decisions. I like it! So I've decided to not be so onery to her all the time, I give her lots and lots of smiles and even giggle and laugh quite often too. It is catching...whenever I smile and laugh I notice everybody around me starts to do the same thing, and that makes me very happy.
 I have also been showing Mommy how well I can get to where I want to go by myself too, as long as it isn't too far away! It is becoming a fun game we play. She puts me where she thinks I want to be and then I spend the next few minutes working as hard as I can to move so that when she comes back she has to look for me! Kind of like hide and seek Easton style. So she finds me and moves me back to where she thinks I need to be again, and it starts all over until I pass out from exhaustion. My Mommy says it is great exercise too, whatever that is I don't know but I know I like it!
 I haven't been picking on my big sister Megan as much lately either, I'm trying to be a better little brother and not such a pest. I love to kick her whenever I can get close enough to her, well I don't kick her too hard because it makes her cry, just enough to annoy her. I can't help it, I'm a boy! I have to pick on my older sister don't I? It lets her know how much I love her. Raegan, on the other hand, I can't pick on, she looks up to me so much. I love it when Mommy lays her by me. I always look at her and smile so she knows I love her too. Raegan loves to lay by me and just look at me for some reason, I guess it is because I am so darn handsome and she is just trying to take it all in. All the ladies love me! I love it when they rub my head cause they think my hair is so darn neat too, feels very good! A good head rubbing makes me smile everytime, I think everybody needs one to remind them just how AWESOME life can be! Thanks again for your smiles everybody, and keep smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Well Easton my little munchkin mate, what can i say, as you asked so very nicely i promise not to say anything to mummy, as long as you continue to be a good boy, oh and stop moaning about being in ya chair lol, your secret is safe with me. Glad to hear you been a clever boy with playign hide and seak, just dont go to far or mummy might lose you and you'll have to scream for her to find you lol, although i am sure the girl will find that soooo funny. Send the girls my love and big hugs to you too my little mate x xx


Any and all comments are appreciated. Thank You for your intrest in my sweet munchkin trifecta!