Monday, December 6, 2010

Trouble in Threes

They are like dominoes, when one goes down it sets off the other two. At least that is how things have been going since last night. Raegan's tummy was giving her some problems last night and she didn't want to settle down. Finally, around 10:30 she fell asleep. Easton starts having problems with his breathing around 10:31 (no kidding)! His runny nose keeps gagging him and making him throw up. Nice huh? Poor little guy. After an hour or so, I lost track of time, Easton fell asleep. Raegan must have known I had a free minute because she decided to wake up. Got her back to sleep again and Megan feels left out so she decided to throw up also, why let them have all of the fun? So around 6am, when they have all decided to stop teasing Mom with their tag team efforts, I fall asleep. Just enough sleep to keep me from dying, but not near enough to keep me from going insane! I know there will come a time when my babies won't need me anymore and that is what keeps me going. Knowing one day I won't hear their cries, they won't need me to stay awake and make them comfortable. They won't be here for me to hold and love, that is what keeps me awake, that is what keeps me going. Well that and the fact that they are so darn cute :)

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