Monday, December 27, 2010

Megan's tummy time

Well, since my Mommy switched my food I am doing much better. My tummy doesn't hurt as much and I don't have to yell at my Daddy all the time to come and make it feel better. I don't feel like throwing up either so I am happy. I'm smiling all the time so that my family knows I am happy too. Sometimes I just start laughing just to keep them thinking.
I had a wonderful time for my birthday. My sister Hannah is jealous because I am older than her. hahaha. Daddy fed me some yummy chocolate cake with coconut frosting, I wanted more but they wouldn't listen, geesh!
My babysitter Suzanne bought me a really cute and comfy outfit that my Mommy let me wear all day, I looked very pretty. I got to watch whatever I wanted on TV, so it was Boomerang all the way baby!
My Mommy let me spend a LONG time in the tub too, I loved it, I still didn't want to get out but she said I was pruning up way to much and she didn't want it to hurt, whatever, I just love the water, I think I am a mermaid and I like to flip my "tail" around in the water and splash and giggle and float. Pure happiness :)
I want to thank all of my friends who wished me a happy birthday, my Mommy read me all of your nice wishes and it made me feel very loved. Hugs and kisses to you all.

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