Thursday, December 2, 2010


My tummy is still not better. I have been so close to throwing up today but my Mommy keeps turning my food on and off to try to keep me from losing the food I need so much. I don't know why my stomach acts up so much, I really don't like it. My Mommy is worried because I have lost some weight. I don't have as much energy either so I am not laughing as much. It makes my Mommy sad when I don't laugh. I want to make her feel better but she needs to make me feel better first. She called the doctor for me and got my formula changed to something called Elecare. My friends Jordyn and Abbie are on it and their Mommies say it works really good for them. I am glad my Mommy found this support group, I think it helps her take much better care of me. She is much happier, which means so am I! I sure hope this new food takes care of my tummy hurts. It makes me cry and cry. Such sad heartbreaking cries my Mommy says, but I can't help it. I like it when my Mommy rubs my tummy though, it makes it feel so much better and I always give her a smile when she does. I'll let you know in the next few days if the new food is working or not! fingers crossed :)

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