Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Alphabet of Gratitude...Letter B is for Balloons!

Balloons make me happy. I love to watch them float in the air. I love to see the beautiful colors and pretty prints. I love the shiny ones, the squiggly ones, the little ones and the HUGE ones. They make beautiful boquets and I give them at every occasion I can. My babies absolutely love them, Easton the most. He just giggles and can't take his eyes off of them for very long. I love to buy them big colorful arrangements for their birthdays. My kids and I have always loved to hit balloons and see how long we can keep them from hitting the ground. We rub them on our heads and laugh when they stick to they wall and laugh even harder when we see how silly our hair looks sticking up. We suck the helium out of them and put ourselves in tears saying hilarious things with our new chipmunk voices. We play games with them, do magic tricks with them, we can twist the long skinny ones together and make neat balloon animals. Yup! I absolutely am thankful for balloons!!

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