This is Megan, mommy said I could type this one because I'm the one that gave her the idea. I have taught her to be thankful for many things she said but oxygen is one that she really does take for granted. Breathing is so easy for her. It isn't that easy for me. When I was born I didn't breathe at all for almost 2 minutes. Then I got this funny big thing put on my face and other things stuck into my arms and I was put inside a glass tube and sent away from my mommy and daddy. I had to have tubes put into my nose so that it would give me this stuff called oxygen. I didn't know what it was, but I figured out already that I needed it to live. When I got to go home with my mommy and daddy this oxygen stuff went with me. This time it didn't come out of a hole in the wall, it came out of a big silver can thingy. Mommy and daddy had to roll it around on this noisy cart everytime they took me anywhere. My Mom and dad also put little plastic tubes all over the house so they could take me from room to room and just hook me up to my oxygen without having to move the really big silver thingies, I think they called them tanks. And if they would have had to move them, I'm afraid I would have had to stay in one room. When I was still very young I got RSV. I don't know what it is but I do know I couldn't breath. It was awful. I had to go to the hospital and the doctor had to keep putting this tube down my nose and throat and it would take all my yucky stuff that was keeping me from breathing out. It really hurt. I didn't like it at all, so I decided to get better and go home. I also decided I didn't want to have to have the tubes up my nose anymore to give me my oxygen either so by the time I was one I figured out how to get oxygen on my own. The doctors told me I never would, but I know more than they do, I think they are silly. Now I can breath this oxygen stuff out of the air all by myself and I've been doing it very well, unless I get sick, then sometimes I need help and the tubes go back in, but they never stay for long.
I learned from birth that if I didn't have oxygen I wouldn't be here. My body couldn't work, not the way God designed it anyway. I'm thankful I have clean air to breathe. I am thankful that when my body isn't working right that there is oxygen in big tanks to keep me alive. Now my mom and dad even have a machine that takes the oxygen right out of the air they call it a wait thats not it...a commentator...nope, not that either....oh yeah! a concentrator! anyway, I'm thankful for it. Thanks for letting me type this one mommy! Now, take a deep breath and Smile!!
Beautifully written, Megan. I love that you are able to breathe on your own and I know that it makes mommy's and daddy's life easier to love all over you! Your little friend Addy won't be as lucky as you are not to need those nasty tubes. Just like you, she is really strong, but her little body has a lot of healing to do. Her mommy and daddy may have to bring her home on a ventilator. Could I ask for you to talk to Addy sometime and tell her that she won't need it either because she is strong like you and your sister and brother? I love you Megan! Make sure your mommy gives you kisses from me and Addy!
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