Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Alphabet of Gratitude...Letter J is for Jesus

How is it possible to thank someone for dying for me? Is there thanks enough for someone who takes on everything I have ever done wrong and answers for it? The name Savior, Redeemer, Lord, and Christ define Him. He is my Savior in every sense of the word. Through His example I know how I am supposed to live. He didn't just sit on the sideline to critique my life, He showed me how He wanted it to be done. He is my Redeemer in that He redeems from from myself. In spite of my wrongs and shortcomings, He has the power of redemption and He gives it freely. My Lord because I choose to worship Him. He is the Chosen One, the one who took it upon himself to give to me the one thing I could not give to myself. A proxy, a replacement. Someone who could withstand the punishment required when laws are broken. He is my teacher and my brother. He is my advocate and my protector. He asks to be followed, in a gently loving way. Reaching out to help me when I couldn't help myself. I think of the poem footprints. There are many times when I know my Savior carried me because I would have surely fallen and wasted away on my own. Looking back, I can see his tender mercies more and more. Times when He showed He knew me better than I knew myself. When I picture Jesus I picture a man with his arms wide open in love and acceptance, with gentleness and compassion. With an understanding only He could have. I am thankful for my Lord, for my Savior. Above all, he decended below all of us and died in such a fashion that I can barely comprehend. Christmas and Easter are by far my favorite times of the year. What they represent is priceless. Something that can't be wrapped and put under a tree, something that can't be found in an Easter basket. Atonement. One word that accomplishes so much. I try to live my life as it's own thankyou to Jesus, but I'm ashamed to admit I fall short everyday. He is there to pick me back up and encourage me, I am so very grateful for His patience. My Redeemer lives. I am beyond Thankful.

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